Just want to cover the recent steps I took in learning about how to get Geo Location information for OpenAttribution. The first step I took was to look into two existing open source analytics platforms that are alternatives to Google Analytics: Umami and Matomo. Umami I love using umami.is! It’s definitely the smaller of the…
Tag: security
Is this a TikTok security vulnerablity for ad fraud?
I de-compiled TikTok (“com.zhiliaoapp.musically” v33.3.3 from Feb 2nd, 2024) from ApkPure.net and noticed that the way it called AppsFlyer looked a bit different than what I expected and quickly led me to a GitHub issue which makes it seem like they are using an outdated way to collect install information from Google Play which may…
How to see traffic from your Android Device
GREEN: background processes for emulator and mitmproxy. RED: Running game (portrait but on side) with a pink banner ad at bottom. YELLOW: mitmproxy captured traffic with another example banner ad.