I keep coming across iOS frameworks that I can’t connect back to a company. Some examples from today are these SDKs with RTLMX in the name like They all sound quite interesting, but unfortunately no Google / Bing results Keeping track of the Known Unknowns? I think it would be good to surface these somehow…
Quick Peek at DeepSeek’s Android Chinese SDKs
I took the afternoon to peek inside DeepSeek to see the various Chinese SDKs and tag some new Chinese companies AppGoblin wasn’t previously tracking (*cough* tencent, not sure how I wasn’t tracking that one yet). SDKs So I found three companies which I previously wasn’t quite tracking and added those in. So let’s go over…
Why is an MMP ‘required’ for buying mobile app ads?
I got to join the GameMakers podcast along with AppsFlyer’s Brian Murphy and WildCardGames’ Josh Chandley to discuss how mobile app ad attribution platforms (MMPs) are basically required for running mobile ads. It was a great chance for me to pitch the first open source MMP, Open Attribution. Why are MMPs ‘required’ for buying mobile…
Apple App Store Dropped Support for Anti Ad Fraud Specs
First let’s recap, what is app-ads.txt App-ads.txt is a specification by the IAB to help fight advertising fraud. It works by a publishing app (they make money from the ads) linking their developer site with a txt file which has their advertising publisher IDs. Thus a buyer of the publisher’s ads can lookup the ID…
Google Search Console Has Deindexed Nearly my Entire Site
Been troubleshooting this decline for months. About 6 months ago, before I started paying attention, AppGoblin had no meta headers, no canonical pages, and no SEO optimization of any kind. Many pages routinely took 10 seconds to load. At some point I took an interest in growing the site, it honestly only gets a few…
Top Business Tools for Finance Mobile Apps
Been updating AppGoblin to better represent some of the data, so I’m going to use this post today to explore the data a bit and see what we find for the most popular business tools for Financial Apps. To better understand the data, I added a breakdown of the top 5 companies for both iOS…
ClickHouse in Less than 2GB RAM in Docker
I’ve had great success with ClickHouse on a 4GB RAM server (shared with other things, full load) but not so on my small server with only 2GB RAM and 2GB swap. I’m having some trouble lately with running ClickHouse, along with 5 or so other services like Kafka, Zookeeper, two python backends and a Node/Svelte…
Open Source & Paid Alternatives to Firebase Dynamic Links
Dynamic deep links hosted by Google Firebase are on their way out, so it’s time to look for the alternatives. I’ll cover the few open source projects I’ve seen as well as the top paid options. Open Source & Free Really, all this work just to provide a link to your app? Yeah, it’s really…
GitHub Large File Storage (git lfs) is basically paid only
2 GB Maximum file size sounds great for GitHub LFS. When I saw that I thought, perfect, it’s small but it’ll do. Time to push! “Git LFS disabled for ddxv” Wait what? Git LFS has been disabled on your personal account ddxv because you’ve exceeded your data plan by at least 150%. Please purchase additional…
How to get Geo Location Info for IP Addresses
Just want to cover the recent steps I took in learning about how to get Geo Location information for OpenAttribution. The first step I took was to look into two existing open source analytics platforms that are alternatives to Google Analytics: Umami and Matomo. Umami I love using umami.is! It’s definitely the smaller of the…