I took the afternoon to peek inside DeepSeek to see the various Chinese SDKs and tag some new Chinese companies AppGoblin wasn’t previously tracking (*cough* tencent, not sure how I wasn’t tracking that one yet).

So I found three companies which I previously wasn’t quite tracking and added those in. So let’s go over them:

Volcengine.com is an AWS like cloud provider and the DeepSeek app has a LOT of integrations with it. They seem to fall into a few categories:
- AppLog
- APM / APMPlus
- ByteDance Services (This is still untagged, was wanting to make sure it didn’t need to be under ByteDance which appgoblin tracks as an ad network)
Ishumei / Shu Mei Technologies (couldn’t decide which one I should use for the english name) has a couple SDKs which do the following
- Captcha
- Login/Auth
- AntiFraud
Ok, so as an ad network appgoblin had QQ SDKs and App-Ads.txt data, but I hadn’t actually added tencent before. There are a LOT of apps that have com.tencent
as a query for the WeChat app, so perhaps I had ignored the actual SDKs of tencent’s which I believe are being used for business services, though I’ll need to do some more reasearch about those.
Still Unknowns
If you recognize these three, or have some additional info about the above SDKs let me know and I’ll update the site.