I de-compiled TikTok (“com.zhiliaoapp.musically” v33.3.3 from Feb 2nd, 2024) from ApkPure.net and noticed that the way it called AppsFlyer looked a bit different than what I expected and quickly led me to a GitHub issue which makes it seem like they are using an outdated way to collect install information from Google Play which may…
Category: Development
Before You Agree: What data does TikTok collect before Terms of Service?
Would you like to see what data is coming out of TikTok when you first open it up? Let’s get to it. Didn’t this used to be easy to do? As security for iPhones and Androids increased it continually made viewing the traffic leaving your own device more difficult. This is in stark contrast to…
ClickHouse: Refreshing Take on Materialized Views
Working on my Open Source MMP I have been seeing how much of it will work with ClickHouse. Unfortunately combining multiple streaming data sources in ClickHouse was proving difficult as data would semi randomly not join correctly. This led to a potential fix by using the very recent ClickHouse refreshable materialized views. These refreshable views…
Stay up to date with the latest tech new with Hacker News Widget & App
Hacker News is one of my go to sites to read the best takes on the latest tech news. Probably the reason I keep going back to it is the honest discussions and supportive community. But you probably already know this, since Hacker News is one of the most popular tech news sources out there….
I built my own very simple strategy game
It certainly isn’t anything amazing, but it was something that I really wanted to do for myself. After recently stepping away from my position at Bubbleye and taking a month or two to enjoy some camping, family time and generally enjoying life I finally got back to Taipei and realized I had a unique opportunity…
How to see traffic from your Android Device
GREEN: background processes for emulator and mitmproxy. RED: Running game (portrait but on side) with a pink banner ad at bottom. YELLOW: mitmproxy captured traffic with another example banner ad.
The Future of VR: Open Frontier or Walled Gardens
There is a growing discrepancy between the vision and reality of VR. For decades, science fiction and technology visionaries foresaw a future where consumers were able to freely traverse virtual reality like surfing the web. Virtual reality was seen as an open platform where millions of people could share, consume and explore content. Instead of…
Why I started up away from home, and you should too
Growing up in the North Bay I was always aware of the Silicon Valley tech scene. Yet I was more interested in experiencing the world away from home so I traveled to Africa, went to college in LA and for my career I went to Asia. After working for Elex Tech & Cheetah Mobile, I started at my…